Wednesday, January 13, 2010

letter to rep

Dear senator Feinstein
750 B Street, Suite 1030
San Diego, CA 92101

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would like to talk to about the mismanagement of information and transparency by The Central Intelligence Agency. From its inception in the 1940’s the CIA has misused its power, abusing the rights of American civilians, drugging them without their prior knowledge or consent, torture and attempted brainwashing of civilians, the spending millions of dollars on fruitless projects, the assassination of foreign leaders, the funding of foreign military of enterprises, doing this all under the permission of the National Security Act giving them free reign to do what they pleas without having to answer to any authority or share the maters of their actions. It is a ghastly thing that this happened in the pass but it is bright and promising that steps are being taken to counter this with the formation of the Senate Intelligence Comity taking steps to bring the CIA to accountability.

Grater bounds are being made today in the legislative and executive branches through the Obama Administration’s Executive Order 13526, in that information on actions that have been committed as well as ones to come will start to become transparent and available to the American people. Also the amendments made to The National Security Act made by Congress and the creation as well as reworking of The Annual Intelligence Authorization Acts making it so that the CIA must answer to the higher government authority, approve their actions and added limits to what they can do. These are all great things that have happened in order to protect the citizens and keep the CIA in check but more still needs to happen, The CIA should have to go through all three branches of government to get approval for their proposed action while all of this is within total view of the public so that they will know what is going on and not have that information hidden from them. I think this will lead to a stronger trust and involvement in the government by the people helping to build a stronger country.

Sincerely Ross Decker
5467 Fontaine Street
San Diego, CA 92120


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Op Ed

Op Ed by Ross Decker

The American people deserve a pristine recount of the CIA’s past action as well as the true facts on what the CIA is doing today. Though out the history of the CIA the agency has exceeded the limits of their power cloaked their actions from The U.S. government and its people. At the end of WWII the United States Military’s Office of Strategic Services was splintered and in The 1947 National Security Act created The Central Intelligence Agency of today. With the start of the cold war fueled by the rising fear of the communist threat, the Central Intelligence Agency Act was passed which allowed the CIA to ovoid public disclosers on use of funds, employees, salaries and actions. In the heat of the cold war openness and limits for the government where push aside in the zealous race of the world super powers. With limits gone moral consciousness, constitutional thought and respect of the individual freedoms of people soon follow. Starting out as project BLUEBIRD and ending with project MKULTRA these projects run by the CIA entailed various covert operations and projects ranging from chemical interrogation to remote mind control, the vast majority of this work was done on unwitting American civilians with out the slightest bit of for warning. With the little information that has survived the file destruction of the early 70’s it is still bindingly clear that the CIA has committed inhuman atrocities against U.S. citizens.

Amendments have been to the National Security Act as well as The Central Intelligence Agency Act and executive orders have been made but not enough decisive actions have been made. President Obama speaks of a transparent government but I have only seen little action. America is no longer the Wild West it once was and it is time for America to cast off the ideas of a neo manifest destiny to move towards true progress leading to an America of awareness of our true history so that it can never be allowed to happen again. The Cold War ended a long time ago and so with it should the tools that with it was fought be forged into new one of appropriate propose. I do not think that CIA has reached the point of being obsolete but rather focused needs to be shifted, limits and structure put into place, accountability brought to the forefront.

The only feasible way to correct the CIA’s misuse of ability and major gape in accountability is to require them to receiving total governmental approval and while it is all in the public light. The first step that must be taken for approval of any proposed CIA action or funding request must receive Judicial review and approval, this is to insure that what is proposed to constitutional in nature. Secondly it must go through Legislation receiving approval from Congress, this is so that the American public can know what is going on and have a chance to be vocal about any discrepancies they have with what is being proposed. The final step would be Executive approval and inaction, this is so that there is some one publicly charged with accountability for what the CIA dose. By going through these steps, justice, order, security and peace of mind can prevail. With these measures put into place the misdeeds of the past cannot repeat in the future.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An abstract

Abstract by Ross Decker

After WWII the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was splintered and in 1947 the National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency from one of those pieces. With mounting fears of falling behind in the cold war the Central Intelligence Agency Act was passed which allowed the CIA to conceal its activities from investigation. With this cloak the project MKULTRA could flourish it was responsible for numerous operations ranging from chemical interrogation to mind control on American citizens. Millions of dollars were pored into projects that involved implanting recording devices in cats to use as eavesdropping device to having prostitutes drug there costumers with LSD while CIA agents watched and recorded the preceding for any militaristic use. The CIA still continues to this day to operate in inhuman ways currently in the Abu Ghraib detention center.

In order to stop and regulate practices by the CIA that would be inhuman or questionable in practice it is of the most pressing essentiality to bring about transparency and power limits through direct governmental over sight. This would be done through presidential, senate and judicial reviews as well as approval to conduct any action or receive any founding. By enacting this proposed system the Un-American treatment of Americans and others will not happen again. Some work has been does in order to manage the actions and transparency of the CIA, with the formation of The Church committee, The Rockefeller commission and the standing Senate committee on intelligence, steps are being made but there is still more to be done.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Defense of Food write up:

People eat unhealthy food that will eventually end them because they are disinterested and apathetic. They are fine being in a self-destructive downward spiral as long as they have their happy meals, cheetos, soda, artificial factory “food”. It is their choice to eat what they eat no one is forcing them to, there are alternatives that are accessible but they chose not to, dietary ignorance is bliss for them. The government should stop the false advertising that is companies passing off chemical ridden food like stuff and have them labeled as non food products or people should have the right to sue that for damages and false advertising. The government has an obligation to stop food companies from selling a product that damages the body without the consumer’s knowledge the same way that they label cigarettes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Social experiment

Social experiments write up

The question that we set out to answer was is if someone looked respectable and had a relevant plea would they receive money from begging. This experiment was intended to look at what might trigger sympathy. We can see of no consequences from leaving this question unresolved. This was an exploratory project. Some of the variables considered were the people who were giving the money to me and my ability to effectively pan handle. A second subject posing as a normal bum I think would be the best way to gage my success comparatively and would lead to more conclusive data make for a better experiment over all. The hypothesis behind our experiment was that a well-dressed individual with a reasonable plea would be very successful at pan handling. This would look at the basis of sympathy from strangers through monetary acknowledgement. From the parameters of the experiment I think that the respectable individual would make a good deal of money because people would feel safer, empathy and understanding with giving money. The method of research was experimental participant observation witch fit the essential question perfectly and offered deliberation on the hypothesis. I pan handled for approximately 30 min accumulating 8 dollars and some odd cents, making that an hourly wage of 16 dollars. I received money about every third set of car at the stop light where I was pan handling. In those sets were about 4 to 8 cars. This could be conducted on the sidewalk in the city where there might be more contact leading to more response.

From this experiment it became apparent that there is a direct relationship between the presentation of the panhandler and their success as one through the sympathy of others. The way I was dressed was business attire clean cut and well composed. The sign I used to ask for money with read “Lost it all in recession wife & baby need help god bless.” Those words were chosen to play on the ethos and pathos having the most impact in order to create sympathy, understanding as well as moral obligation. From the results of the experiment it seems to have achieved what was theorized. I think if this experiment model would to be conducted with a second panhandler for comparison and in a more densely populated setting the results would be much clearer.